Eleanor has over thirty years’ experience in a variety of modalities including NLP, Psychology of Vision and is a certified archetype consultant trained by Caroline Myss. She is the author of four books on various aspects of the creative process.
Eleanor is passionate about awakening people to their own creative spirit, while at the same time debunking many of the old concepts around creativity – e.g. that it is an exclusive gift available to a few special individuals, or that it only applies to a narrow niche of career e.g. advertising, media or interior design. She believes everyone has a creative spirit, but many have lost touch with this aspect of themselves – either through willingness to conform, desire for validation or fear of vulnerability.
Eleanor began her career as a road manager in the music business. Working with a team of creative people gave her insight into the way creative energy works. When it flows well there is synchronicity, brilliance and even genius. When it doesn’t flow, there is stress, drama and burn out.
She then went on to run a successful marketing company, doing product launches and sales promotion for corporate clients. Here she observed the way creative energy dissipates in more process led, risk-averse businesses.
She now helps individuals work thru learned behaviors, habits and patterns to create a life that brings them deep happiness and joy.

How to Start Something New
& Trust in the Magic of New Beginnings.
A one day workshop with Eleanor O’Rourke
Sunday, August 25
We are creatures of habit, but we have an inner conflict. Part of us wants the safety and familiarity of the known. Another part of us that wants to break free of old patterns and embrace creative freedom. We have an instinctive knowing that this will allow us to feel more fully alive.
These dual forces express themselves via archetypes, like the Hero, the Rebel, the Judge, the Critic, the Child, the Saboteur, the Knight, the Lover, the Creator, the Queen and the Magician.
Our true self is often buried under layers of learned behaviors. Knowledge of the archetypal realm can give us insight into both the survival fears of our ego and the unique desires of our soul. Once identified, these patterns can be healed and transformed.
When these lost aspects of ourselves are welcomed back, we feel more whole, more authentic and more able to vessel the high voltage energy of creative Flow.
In this one day workshop you will…
-Gain clarity, insight and a deeper appreciation for your own archetypes
-Heal old patterns that keep you stuck in cycles of repetition.
-Transform fear into Creative Flow so you can make decisions without being so derailed by emotional triggers from the past.
If you’ve been stuck, distracted or lacking in motivation, the exercises in this workshop will help.
Cost for the day $196
Space is limited, and pre-registration is required.
To register, click on links below or call TIVI at 505-747-0741.
Day 1: Discovery
Saturday, August 24
Our creative self is often buried under layers of learned behavior’s, habits and patterns. We look at these patterns through the lens of archetypes. Archetypes give shape and form to different styles of energy, which makes it easier to understand and work with them.
Knowledge of the archetypal realm can give us insight into our unconscious behaviour – both the survival fears of our ego and the unique desires of our soul.
We go through seven archetypal patterns that relate to our seven chakras and the seven blocks we build in our attempt to slow the energy down so that we can maintain the illusion of control. The way we relate to these archetypes was laid down in the past but has a huge impact on our present behaviour.
Once our blocks are understood, we have a better internal blueprint to navigate by.
Cost: (Day One only): $196
Cost: 2-day Workshop: $350
Day 2: Healing
Sunday, August 25
Many of our creative blocks are built over the wounds of childhood fears or trauma. This is where we meet our shadow archetypes – aspects of ourselves that we’ve deemed unlovable and have relegated to the underworld.
In order to open and expand our channel so that we can contain more creative energy we need to heal our past heartbreaks, hurts and humiliations. We do this through a constellation process. Shadow archetypes are liberated and brought into the light where they can be loved and integrated back into the self. When these lost aspects of ourselves are welcomed back, we feel more whole, more authentic and more able to vessel the high voltage energy of creative Flow.
We write a new story for the life we want to move into, based on a different blueprint, one which allows us to make creative decisions without becoming derailed by emotional triggers from the past.
Elders Wisdom Classes To Be Announced. Stay Tuned or Join our Email List for Updates.
Upcoming Events
Elders from various indigenous cultures share their knowledge of how to live on the earth in a respectful way so that all people can live in harmony. The program consists of lectures, workshops, and opportunities for one-on-one mentoring in nature.
Learn ancient ways of connecting with the earth, herbs, plants and natural elements and their uses for healing.
Stay Tuned for Upcoming Elder Wisdom Series workshops.
Australian Aboriginal Elders Auntie Irene and Senior Man Bonny will be coming out again soon along with Mauri elders and dancers to conduct a ceremony to initiate the West.