Spring Equinox Cacao Ceremony


Cacao (Theobroma cacao) – Cacao has long been considered a “Food of the Gods” and even its Latin name Theobroma translates to exactly that! Cacao’s medicine is rich, deep, clarifying, blissful and has been called “truth serum” for the heart.

To this day, the Cacao spirit is considered one of the most powerful deities in Mayan cosmology. Many indigenous cultures in Central and South America have used Cacao for food and medicine dating back to 1900-900BC. 

For this Journey, we will drink a traditional ceremonial dose of Cacao and align with the Equinox energies.  The format of this class will be a little different as we will be ingesting the Cacao first as there is a 30-45 min ramp up. The class will include a brief introduction to the ethnobotany and growing habits of Cacao, a plant attunement, an hour long meditation, ceremony and time for sharing and/or journaling to integrate and catalyze the experience. The Cacao Flower Essence will be available as well for those who desire another level of experience. All of this, will be followed by a potluck to help us ground before we leave class. Join us for a heart-enriching Journey!

Class size is limited to 12 .  Pre-registration is required.

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March 29th 1-4:30 

Cost: $80